Nick Brings “Roc & Roe’s 12 Days of Christmas” to Radio City (video)

By December 11, 2014Events, Press

On Monday (December 8) Nick took part in one of New York’s oldest and most treasured holiday traditions: The Radio City Christmas Spectacular.

Nick took part by doing a very special reading onstage to a group of children (and audience) prior to the show. He read his new Scholastic picture book “Roc and Roe’s 12 Days of Christmas”, illustrated by A.G. Ford.

Prior to the reading Nick was interviewed by one of the Rockettes where he was asked did he have any weird or funny Christmas memories. Nick revealed “When I was 4 years old I could’ve sworn up and down I saw Santa Claus fly away on his sleigh”. He also stated that until his early teens he maintained the belief in what he saw despite naysayers.